Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 3, 2013

WonderCon 2013: Arrow's First Season Is Going To End With a Bang

Arrow was the highest rated premiere on The CW since The Vampire Diaries, and its popularity has continued over the course of the first season, leading to an early renewal for Season 2. Producer Marc Guggenheim was joined by cast members Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen), Willa Holland (Thea Queen), Colin Donnell (Tommy Merlyn), and Paul Blackthorne (Quentin Lance) at WonderCon today to tease what's ahead as the season finale inches closer.

Though the finale isn't written yet, Guggenheim promises it's going to deliver. The Undertaking is where they're headed, and they've been saving resources for these last few episodes. “We've been basically setting aside money for the last several episodes to put towards the last two episodes of the season.” All the things they've been hinting at in terms of what the Undertaking is and all the stuff happening on the island will come to a head, and they've earmarked the money to do it justice.

In episode 21, they'll flash back to the past before the island. Guggenheim said, “We'll flash back to the days before the ill-fated boat trip. In those flashbacks, Colin Salmon will come back to reprise his role as Walter in days past.” Amell assured the crowd questions would be answered in the remaining hours. “There are no loose ends in the season, everything that happens eventually comes back home. Even the little things.”

Viewers can also expect Deadshot to come back in a very big way, and Guggenheim teased another return for the finale: “For those people who have been waiting for rematch of lifetime between Arrow and the dark archer from episode nine ["Year's End"], your wishes are going to be granted in ways you can't expect.”

Thea will apparently have a character defining moment in the season finale that Holland seemed excited about. She keeps asking for a bow and arrow for her character. Guggenheim pointed out how in the first nine episodes Thea was sort of all about Oliver; that's changed though. “She was two dimensional, and we've made an effort to make her into her own character and not just servicing Oliver.” He wouldn't reveal when or if she discovers Oliver's secret or whether Thea or Roy is Speedy.

Change is coming for Oliver, too. He's walking a line between doling out his form of punishment and becoming a serial killer. Felicity Smoak recently called him out on it. “We're coming to a point where Oliver is so hellbent about the list his father gave him and that is creating a lot of collateral damage. But, the list isn't going to be around forever and one of the things we're driving towards is Oliver doing things for a more virtuous reason than just revenge,” stated Guggenheim.

They are always trying to stay true to Green Arrow from the comics. Guggenheim said, “The Arrow has a long history of comics of being the voice of the underdogs. We're always honoring that.” They look all over the DC Universe for inspiration and though they have certain “jaw-dropping” moments plotted for certain points, the rest of it just depends on how fast the stories move. They've always had a five year plan for the island flashbacks, but Shado appeared a little sooner than they'd planned.

Rest assured they're keeping track of everything. Guggenheim teased their "boards have boards." They're tracking every piece of the series from the mythology to the character relationships and dynamics to even having a wish list of stuff they'd like to work in when it fits the plot. They have plenty of stories to tell in this universe.

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8pm on The CW.

Amy Ratcliffe is a writer for IGN TV. You can follow her on on Twitter at @Amy_Geek and IGN at  alratcliffe.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

The Walking Dead: "Welcome to the Tombs" Review

Hey, there's no review in this review!

Unlike most of the episodes this season, AMC did not send The Walking Dead season finale out early to press. That being the case, with the episode having just ended as I post this, I'm currently writing my review and it will be up later tonight at this same url.

In the meantime, we figured you'd be itching to discuss what occurred as Rick and the Governor's conflict came to a head, so let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon: The Cast of Vikings Discuss the Hit Show and its Future

A loud and excited crowd gathered in the early hours of WonderCon to listen to the cast of History's Vikings dish the goods on the new hit series. As the cast took the stage, they were met with thunderous applause from the pack room. Audience members also took to calling out the names of the shows characters as each actor was introduced.

"We knew the subject matter; it was the right subject matter for us," Dirk Hoogstran said of the cable channel's decision to tackle Vikings as its first scripted show. Apparently, every time the channel would air a special or documentary on Vikings, there would be a significant ratings spike. This made the decision to greenlight the series an easy one. Hoogstra also told the audience that selecting the cast was an easy process, since most of the actors seemed to be natural fits for their respective roles.

"The scripts were so good and I'm a kid at heart and I wanted to run around with an axe and not get a haircut," Travis Fimmel said. The cast stressed the great characters really drew and writing made joining the show an easy sell. Fimmel made sure to point out that his fellow cast members made the job easy, since they had quickly become friends and family.

For the show, The History Channel paid extra close attention to historical details. Two replica Viking ship were built, one of which is actually sea worthy. The cast rowed and manned the ship themselves in order to maintain a true to the era feel. "It really put in you in the time and place," Fimmel said of the experience.

The costume designers tried to make the cast as comfortable as possible, but historical accuracies always took precedent over the comfort level of the actors. "They did a fantastic job, it felt authentic. You felt that this is what you would have worn," Katheryn Winnick said.

The discussion then moved to the future of Vikings and what fans can expect as the series progressed.

"You can feel a lot of tension. My character, nothing is ever enough, so he's gonna keep raiding for sure. He gets in some bad environments and maybe bits off more than he can chew," Fimmel said, teasing about upcoming episodes. The cast did the usual song and dance when asked about where the season was going, carefully avoiding spoilers or details of any sort.

"What I will say, is that it's such a gift to be given such a character. It's a massive arc, to be able to play a character that goes through so many changes is just a really good time," George Blayden said.

"What I can say right now is that we are thrilled with the performance of the show right now," Dirk Hoogstra said when asked if there more seasons of the show in the works. The cast laughed and pointed out that Hoogstra had not answered the question at all. "It's called an artful PR dodge," he laughed.

While no one on the panel could confirm that Vikings would be renewed for more seasons, Hoogstra was quick to point out, "This is my favorite show. I'm over lots of projects at History, and this is my favorite one."

"Look at him, he's nodding!" Fimmel laughed, which lead to loud cheers and applause from the audience. The cast then urged the crowd to watch the show and to tell their friends and family about the show. "We wanna do more," Fimmel said.

The crowd was then shown a teaser episode 5, which featured tons of bloody, violent action which was again met with a huge response.

Benjamin is a writer and storyteller. He owns many leather-bound books and his office smells of rich mahogany. He also thinks the dudes from Vikings are pretty good looking dudes. Follow Benjamin on Twitter @616Earth, or find him on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

G.I. Joe: Retaliation Debuts Atop the Box Office

The Joes were back in full force at the weekend box office, with G.I. Joe: Retaliation debuting with an estimated $132 million worldwide. Domestically, it finished in first place with $41.2 million, the second largest March opening on record. The sequel/reboot has made a total of $51.7 million at home including Thursday screenings.

Proving it's no Twilight, the big screen adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's The Host bowed with a mediocre sixth place opening of $11 million. Meanwhile, Tyler Perry's Temptation finished strongly in third place.

Here are the weekend box office estimates via Rentrak:

  1. G.I. Joe: Retaliation $41.2 million
  2. The Croods $26.5 million
  3. Tyler Perry's Temptation $22.3 million
  4. Olympus Has Fallen $14 million
  5. Oz the Great and Powerful $11.6 million
  6. The Host $11 million
  7. The Call $4.8 million
  8. Admission $3.3 million
  9. Spring Breakers $2.8 million
  10. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone $1.3 million

Listen to the Keepin' It Reel podcast to find out how we fared with our predictions!

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

True Blood Season 6 Teaser: Bloodshed, Mayhem and Bill

Season 5 of HBO's wildly popular vampire series True Blood was leading towards a war that never fully took shape. The Season 6 trailer seems to be promising that that war will now play out. Take a look below and let us know what you think. Are you excited for this upcoming season or hoping that the phrase "the beginning of the end" is referring to the series at large?

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon: First Footage Shown from Under the Dome

At WonderCon Saturday, the first footage was shown from Under the Dome, CBS’s upcoming new series based on Stephen King’s novel of the same name. The show is only a month into production so they had no final footage ready, but they did show a reel that incorporated interviews with King and showrunner Brian K. Vaughan (repurposed from a video shown to press in January) with dailies from production - so it's possible these may not be the final takes used, in some cases.

Even in such an early form, the footage looked very cool – showing immediate effects of what happens when an invisible dome suddenly covers an entire town, including a girl collapsing to the ground, a truck smashing into seemingly nothing and, most grisly of all, a bloody, severed arm falling to the ground in front of people’s eyes – just one result of a plane flying into the dome. Natalie Martinez’s Linda is seen looking in confusion at the press gathered on the other side of the dome, who she can’t hear.

We see the first signs of the power wielded by James “Big Jim” Rennie (Breaking Bad’s Dean Norris) as he tells the local sheriff, played by Lost’s Jeff Fahey, “Councilmen have the ability to authorize additional police officers.” When the sheriff asks, “Are you threatening me?”, Jim replies, “No, just reminding you of the lay of the land.”

There were also ominous scenes of Angie (Life Unexpected and The Secret Circle’s Britt Robertson) trapped in some sort of bunker by a guy who seems to have gone off the rails. When she asks, “Have you lost your mind?” he replies, “I’m the only person who understand what’s going on here.”

During the panel that followed, executive producer Neal Baer said Under the Dome will show this town in a situation that will display “What they’re really made of. People’s good hearts and evil hearts may come out.”

Vaughan -- creator of Y the Last Man and Ex Machina and a former Lost writer -- said he was a big fan of King’s work, and his ability to deal with big themes without feeling like he was being too blunt, saying they wanted to make “a super fun, pulpy show with these great characters you care about.”

Baer agreed saying the show would deal with some basic questions like, “Can the sun shine through the dome? Can it rain in the show?”, noting that is somewhat touching upon a theme like climate change, but in a very genre-fueled manner. “We can tackle issues without being preachy.”

He added the characters would face some very basic questions to answer. “What happens when you run out of Tide Soap? Do you really need a banker [in this situation]? Farmers, maybe you do…”

Norris chuckled, “One thing you definitely need is a bad guy!,” elaborating that, “The dome allows certain types of people, Big Jim being one of them, the opportunity to become a bit of a dictator – to exercise their power, because they are cut off from anyone who would check that power.”

Stephen King on the set of Under the Dome

Vaughan and the writers had spoken with King frequently, who’d encouraged them to feel free to make changes from his book and King had also sat in with them for a day to discuss the series. Vaughan said King has been, “Super hands on and really supportive of things we changed from the book that I thought he'd stab me for.” Vaughan said they’d also love to have King write an episode, in the manner Elmore Leonard has written for Justified and George R.R. Martin for Game of Thrones.

Under the Dome will air over thirteen weeks this summer, but Baer stressed it is not intended as a miniseries and they hope to continue for more seasons. As noted, for CBS, it’s “the first launch of this kind of series,” which is more serialized than most of their shows and obviously is not airing during the traditional September to May TV season. Everyone felt the simple question was, “Why can’t you see them during June, July and August?”

Vaughan noted they have an overall plan and “We know ideally exactly how this series would end” down the line. He stressed tough that, as with every TV series, they’d need, “the freedom to change some things along the way,” noting actor availability or casting a guest star who pops and you want to do more with are just some of the things that can occur.

Added Vaughan, “We have a road map, but with the freedom to take side trips that are fun.” As for his idea for the final episode, he said it is not the same as the ending of the book, but he’s spoken to King about it, who endorses the idea.

Director Jack Bender, best known as an executive producer and the most frequent director on Lost, said that what drew him to Under the Dome was, “When I read this script I had same reaction after the Lost pilot - I wanted to spend time with these characters.” Asked how the show will differentiate itself from other post-apocalyptic stories like the Walking Dead, Bender stressed that Under the Dome is not post-apocalyptic, in that the rest of the world is functioning normally while this bizarre scenario is happening to this one town.

Bender remarked that he felt that we were seeing so many “What if the worst happens?” stories now because “the s**t storm” is always on the news these days and it’s how we live now.

Vaughan has the unique distinction of executive producing and showrunner a series based on a book that he himself is mentioned in. In the novel, the character Scarecrow Joe is mentioned as being a fan of “the graphic novels of Brian K Vaughan.” Said Vaughan, “It is totally surreal to be mentioned in a book to standing under the actual dome talking to Joe about that moment.” He joked that he wanted to tell the actor, “In the TV show, your character hates Brian K. Vaughan comics!”

An audience member asked if Under the Dome might have references to other King stories, much like King’s novels do to one another. Vaughan said there would be, causing actress Rachelle Lefevre, who plays Julia, to turn to him and say, “Please don't send us Pennywise, I beg you!”

Under the Dome premieres Monday, June 24 on CBS.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 3, 2013

WonderCon: Del Toro Talks Justice League Dark Movie

During Saturday's panel for Pacific Rim at WonderCon, director Guillermo del Toro said that John Constantine -- a blond one, he emphasized -- will be the main protagonist in his planned Justice League Dark movie tentatively titled Dark Universe.

Constantine will be the central figure who rounds up the gang. The director revealed that the film won't be an origin movie per se, with each character already established but elements of their backstory coming into play during the course of the story. For example, Swamp Thing is now at peace with who he is, but Deadman will still be in search of the man who murdered him.

In addition to Constantine, Deadman and Swamp Thing, del Too said the team's members will include Etrigan the Demon and Jason Blood, whose past with Merlin's Knights will be mentioned. (Zatanna and the Spectre have also been previously mentioned as members.)

Del Toro said they have finished the bible for the movie and hope to start the screenplay soon with a writer whose identity he still can't reveal. Dark Universe will not be del Toro's next film, though, as the helmer said he expects to shoot Crimson Peak after Pacific Rim is done.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon 2013: This is The End of Seth Rogen

Funnymen Seth Rogen, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson previewed their apocalyptic comedy This Is the End for fans at Saturday's WonderCon. Please be advised of some spoilers ahead due to the nature of the footage screened.

Top 10 Seth Rogen Moments

The movie, scripted and co-directed by Rogen and Evan Goldberg, who was also at WonderCon, follows six friends trapped in a house after a series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside.  Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption. The cast also includes James Franco, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Michael Cera and Emma Watson.

The actors play themselves in the movie -- OK, heightened versions of themselves -- with one of the high points being seeing which stars get killed and how. The first scene screened was a party at Franco's house when the apocalypse hits. The celeb guests include Michael Cera, who is coked up and slapping Rihanna on the ass (which prompts her to then smack the crap out of him). The celebs all run outside only to find the Hollywood Hills ablaze and the earth opening up beneath the feet. We then witness a series of stars perish in a series of hilariously gruesome ways, including falling into a fiery abyss through a chasm in the ground.

The second scene shown was called "The Exorcism of Jonah Hill." That pretty much sums itl up, doesn't it? Suffice to say exclamations of "The power of Christ compels you!" isn't always as effective as these guys think.

This is The End opens June 12.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon: Teen Titans Go! Isn't Afraid To Go To Weird Places

The Teen Titans are popular, iconic characters and there's been a lot of buzz about how the new series Teen Titans Go! will handle them. Producers/writers Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath were joined by voice talent Greg Cipes and Khary Payton at WonderCon to share the debut episode and to discuss the different, funnier direction.

It's no secret fans are skeptical about the strictly comedic take on the super team, but the overall reaction to the episode seemed positive. Laughter drowned out the punchlines at some points. The premiere episode (split into two eleven minute stories as they all will be) showed just how silly things are going get. It's reminiscent of the Star Wars: Detours clips.

The first story was about the legend of a perfect sandwich and featured Raven watching and loving a show called Pretty, Pretty Pegasus. The second story was about poking fun at Robin for not having superpowers (which seems to be a consistent joke actually) and then getting them and learning they are a curse. Each one was full of easter eggs for comic book fans and plenty of gags and food.

Sam Register, who was a co-producer on the 2003 Teen Titans, moderated the panel and admitted bringing it back was nerve-racking. “This was a very scary show to make. I worked on the first series, and it was so loved. This was a scary thing to do.” He said the premiere is just the beginning of how insane the show is.

Jelenic and Horvath both agreed it's been relatively easy to adapt the characters into this funny format. “The easy part is bringing back the same guys [voice talent]. They created characters that were so iconic that it was easy to change them from an action section to a comedy setting,” stated Jelenic.

They emphasized the 11 minute format is perfect for the type of jokes they're doing. Jelenic said, “It's just long enough to do some really weird stuff but not long enough to overstay your welcome. The abrupt ending works.” You can hit the reset button.

What do they mean by weird? Register said there will be puppets, kittens, and meatballs. You get the idea. Additionally, any character who appeared in the original Teen Titans series is up for grabs. You might see Blackfire, and you will see Speedy, Terra, Titans East, and Más y Menos. Many characters who return from the original series will be voiced by the same actors.

Lest you think it's all jokes all the time, there is action in the series. The episode showed at the panel was full of superheroes beating up bad guys. Jelenic said, “All the action is cool. It's a little silly, but the characters come off as cool superheroes. We don’t want to make fun of them. They are the best superheroes in the world.”

Check out the premiere on Tuesday, April 23, at 7:30pm on Cartoon Network.

Amy Ratcliffe is a writer for IGN TV. You can follow her on on Twitter at @Amy_Geek and IGN at  alratcliffe.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon: Axe Cop Animated Series to Guest Star Breaking Bad, Mad Men Stars

On July 27th, FOX is launching their new Saturday night Animation Domination High Definition block from 11pm-12:30am, and at WonderCon today a panel was held for ADHD. The majority of the time was spent discussing the first original series for ADHD, Axe Cop, based on the comic book of the same name.

For those who don’t know, Axe Cop was created by Ethan Nicolle, based directly on stories told to him by his then 5 year old brother, Malachai – and is a wonderfully funny creation thanks to its random, stream of consciousness style that comes straight from the mind of a child.

A trailer was shown that indicated the series will indeed match the comic. Malachai could be heard narrating, and at one point we saw an animated Hitler declare, “You’re going to build me an evil island of zombies on Zombie island… in space!” (as we see just that occurring, with each element revealed as Hitler says it, ending with a floating island in space). Another highlight was a woman asking Axe Cop (voiced by Nick Offerman) for help her and him answering, “Only if you tell me how you’d feel I’d look with a mohawk and a handlebar mustache.” And then there’s the Queen of London being menaced by Dr. Doodoo, with Doodoo later declaring, “Today I will make the great Axe Cop poop himself… to death!”

Along with Offerman, Axe Cop stars Ken Marino, Patton Oswalt, and Megan Mullally – the latter as all the female characters. Axe Cop is very popular with a lot of actors and the panelists noted they’d had a lot of actors coming to them asking do guest voices on the show. Amusingly, it seems several will come from acclaimed AMC series, as we learned Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Revolution) plays Army Chihuahua, Breaking Bad's Jonathan Banks plays Book Cop and Jared Harris (Mad Men) voices the evil King of England. In addition, Peter Serafinowicz (NTSF:SD:SUV and the voice of Darth Maul in Phantom Menace) will voice several other “characters with accents."

There are many other guest voices it seems, but the panelists couldn’t reveal their names yet.

Co-showrunner Matt Silverstein noted that, “Malachai is very much involved in the writing of the show,” adding they call him constantly to tell them how a story should go, and saying that what's funny is, “He’s not making it up; it’s in his head [already].” Added fellow showrunner Dave Jeser, “He thinks we’re kind of idiots for even asking.”

Weidenfeld added they were modeling the series after Malachai taking Axe Cop very seriously, since, the idea is Axe Cop is “a real badass. The things he’s saying are absolutely serious. “ He said he was influenced by Rob Corddry, who he worked with on Childrens Hospital who noted, “The characters in the show don’t know they’re in a comedy.”

While there are changes from the comics, Ethan Nicolle said they do turn to his brother, asking things like, “’If we change it to this, how does that fight go down?’ It’s different from the comic, but it’s still Malachai involved.”

Silverstein recalled one of the most memorable moments writing the show, when they called Malachai to ask, “What does Bad Santa want?” Silverstein said the nearly instant answer was, “To kill God and become Jesus!”

He added, “We’ve been in a lot of comedy rooms and no one would have ever come up with that.”

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

The Art of Making Gamers Cry

The most conspicuous thing about Beyond: Two Souls is just how unlike a video game it looks. During the 45 minute presentation we saw recently in Paris, we were struck by the number of video game trappings developer Quantic Dream has discarded, even by the studio’s own defiant standards. There’s nothing on the HUD. On-screen prompts are rare. Characters look less like digital puppets and more like famous actors. It’s symbolic that Cage and his gameplay team headed up by Quantic veteran Caroline Marchal have all but done away with the quick-time-events so omnipresent in the studio’s last game, Heavy Rain. Too mechanical. Too distracting from the game’s heart; its story.


Beyond: Two Souls offers further proof that the landscape of big budget video games may eventually be smoothed out and reshaped, even if it’s a long, hard slog to get there. One gets the feeling that if Quantic had its way, in twenty years we would not be referring to video games as ‘games,’ so much as ‘experiences’ (or perhaps a less ostentatious word with the same meaning.) It’s not entirely a pipe dream; Quantic’s focus on stories grounded in emotion and human experience is not as rare as it used to be.

“We’re not as alone,” says Marchal. “I played Telltale’s The Walking Dead for instance...very good work, very well written. I think since Heavy Rain, several studios have realized they could talk about normal life and story. The Walking Dead is a great example.”

Telltale and Quantic Dream’s efforts have much in common. We don’t talk about ‘levels’ in their games, we talk about ‘moments,’ or ‘scenes’. We talk about the stuff that made us cry, the experiences we had. And while The Walking Dead was more traditionally grounded in a genre than Heavy Rain or Beyond, its sucker-punch storytelling was a revelation. It’s not just games with a narrative focus at their core, either; even well-trodden franchises like Tomb Raider are starting to shake off the shackles of tradition to focus on character arcs and emotionally-driven storytelling.

“The thing is, gamers get older,” says Cage. “Game creators get older. I was 10 when video games appeared, I'm 42 today. I don’t have the same tastes I don’t have the same expectations, I don’t play the same games, I don’t watch the same films. So how does the industry address this issue of creating content for an older audience having different expectations?”

“Some people are more interested in mechanics, and that’s fine,” continues Marchal.  “There are lots of games out there that rely on mechanics. But I think since Heavy Rain, several studios have realized they could talk about normal life and story and produce great games.”

The Page Effect

With this said, the team at Quantic Dream are always a step ahead of their peers in their ambition to evolve emotional storytelling in video games. This time the studio has further indulged its passion for movie language by casting a well-known – and more crucially, extremely capable - actress in Beyond’s central role. When talking about Ellen Page’s involvement in the project, David Cage sounds more like filmmaker catching his first big break than a gamemaker who has 15 years of experience in the industry.

“When you are a young director like me – and you have Ellen Page and Willem Defoe on your set – you try to be focused and try to be good,” says Cage.  “They’ve worked with some of the most talented directors in the world, and that was very exciting.”

Calling himself a director on a set might sound a little self-inflated, but directing is exactly what Cage has been doing. From the chunkiest section of the game we saw last week – showing off approximately 45 minutes of gameplay - Ellen Page is delivering a performance that could certainly be described as the most dramatically-challenging of her acting career. This is teenage angst beyond Hard Candy's Hayley Stark or Juno.

“I was born with a gift”, her Jodie mumbles. “Or what they call a gift. It’s really a curse, it’s ruined my life. Made me the person that I am today. A freak. A mistake. Someone I hate.”

In Page, Cage has found the perfect mixture of vulnerability, toughness and youthfulness, and always refreshingly one step away from that ironic candour she is so known for. Her performance is channelled through Quantic’s astonishing performance capture technology, which demonstrates a subtlety in expression far more advanced than anything we’ve seen in Rockstar’s L.A. Noire, the last game to push such graphical boundaries.

The result is - in moments - transcendent in the way it elicits empathy. Some journalists had tears in their eyes at the end of the section, a slice of gameplay that takes place during Jodie’s lowest ebb.  And while Quantic threw an awful lot at the group assembled in its French headquarters – including an attempted suicide, an escape from a burning building, a birth and a death – the material was arrestingly intimate.

“We hope this exceptional standard of performance is what will woo players,” says Executive Producer Guillaume de Fondaumiere. “It’s not about slapping a name on a box to sell copies.”


Converting the Unconverted

Alongside this focus on emotional storytelling comes the need to expand Beyond’s target audience outside of those who know what to expect from the studio. Quantic must convince gamers that its brand-new, unusual game is worth playing, and it must convince non-gamers that its brand-new, unusual game is an ‘experience’ worth having. Both are tricky propositions.

“It’s very difficult to make these types of games,” says Marchel, “and it’s very difficult to understand how to play it when you haven’t played it.”

Cage has long been frustrated at the resistance to his vision, particularly in the wake of those who believed Heavy Rain was just a giant cut-scene. “There is some resistance (to this kind of experience). Maybe we’re not good enough at what we do. Maybe we need to tell better stories that are more appealing to all these people.”

He pauses, rethinks. “But maybe these people should listen more. At least give us a chance to convince them, which is sometimes really difficult.”

Cage is also concerned that the majority of those seeking mature storytelling in video games make up a giant untapped market, still ignorant of Quantic’s push for evolution. “There are people who would like to interact in this way but they’re just not interested in the games we make. And that’s an issue. The thing is, not everyone’s interested in shooting and driving cars; some people want something more meaningful.”

To combat preconceptions that Beyond will be a reskinned Heavy Rain, the elimination of constant quick-time-events was important, both as a gameplay decision and as a message to the unconverted. “The (quick-time-event) system was a barrier, explains Cage. “For people who didn’t play Heavy Rain it was confusing and gave them the wrong idea.”

“I’m pretty proud,” says Marchal of the new ‘contextual’ system she and her team have implemented. “Because the problem with QTEs is that they disturb the player, who only looks at the prompt and not the action itself.”

To broaden its reach further,  Quantic is honing in on a non-gaming female audience. Executive Producer Guillaume de Fondaumiere believes this bracket values the emotional core of what Quantic is trying to do above every other aspect.

“It was incredible with Heavy Rain. A lot of guys told us it was the first game they played with their girlfriend, and I think that David had that in mind when he came up with Beyond. I think it’s a game that could be attractive to women who never play, but might want to play this game. Because the themes are accessible.”


A Refinement of Vision

Beyond is, ultimately, the accumulation of 16 years worth of trial and error, a refinement of a vision David Cage has had since he introduced the first virtual actor – David Bowie(!) – in Omikron: The Nomad Soul in 1999. For detractors of Cage’s writing style, it’s unlikely you’ll find anything new here; as Cage notes, he and the team have been going in the same direction for 16 years.

“When you keep digging and going in the same direction, hopefully you go somewhere. Nowadays, it’s difficult to survive when you don’t have a distinct identity or vision for the industry.”

And while it’s narrow-minded to illustrate Quantic’s efforts as the only means to evolve emotional-storytelling in games - like Heavy Rain before it, Beyond is traditionally grounded in big, blockbuster film language than the more abstract experiences we’re seeing produced by indie outfits  – the studio is refreshingly consistent.

“We’ve always had people telling us what we’re doing is not the right direction,” says de Fondaumiere. That what we’re doing is not ‘mainstream’ – that magical word – enough, that the only options are to be mainstream or so far off-road nobody will be interested in what you’re doing.”

The challenge for Quantic is finding the financial means to survive long enough to prove naysayers wrong.

“We’re lucky - each game we’ve made sold 3 times more copies than the last,” explains Cage. So you have this kind of curve, where you can say game after game, ‘I’m doing them better.’ This is our curve. And maybe Beyond won’t sell three times more than Heavy Rain but I hope it will still sell more; just to prove there is more and more interest in this kind of experience we are trying to create.”

And perhaps, as we see more studios cautiously exploring the untrodden path of emotional engagement, the brazen Quantic Dream might be forgiven an ‘I told you so.’

Lucy O'Brien is Assistant Editor at IGN AU. You can follow her mumblings on IGN at Luce_IGN_AU,or follow her @Luceobrien on Twitter.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon: Will the Old and New Evil Deads Collide?

Actor Bruce Campbell, star of the original Evil Dead trilogy, and Fede Alvarez, director of the new Evil Dead, chatted about the possibility of a crossover between the two takes on the horror franchise.

Campbell was coy about whether he made a cameo in the new Evil Dead, but he did say "yes" when asked if he would appear in a future sequel to the new Evil Dead.

The actor also said his dream is for there to be four original Evil Deads featuring his character Ash -- yes, he still hopes that he and director Sam Raimi will make Evil Dead 4 in the future -- and three installments of the new Evil Dead because seven is a good number.

The new Evil Dead opens April 5.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon 2013: The Conjuring Scares Fans With New Footage

Director James Wan (Insidious, Saw) was at WonderCon on Saturday to debut new footage from his upcoming horror film The Conjuring.

The fact-based horror film recalls the most terrifying case legendary husband and wife paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) ever encountered. Set in 1971, the film involves a family (led by Lili Taylor and Ron Livingston) whose farmhouse is haunted by a witch's spirit. This is a forerunner to The Amityville Horror -- the case that made the Warrens famous -- and it touches upon the religious conflict between God and demons.

The first sequence screened showed Lili and her daughter playing a game of blindfolded hide-and-seek that culminates with Lili's first realization that something just ain't right in her home.As the sequence progressed, she hears a strange clapping sound that she believes is from her children playing past their bedtime, but obviously that's not it. Her investigation into the strange sounds leads her to make a very unwise trip to her cellar, a decision that got the crowd riled up and shouting at the screen for her to not go down there. Fun stuff.

The next sequence involved the family's daughters Christine and Nancy. Both girls are asleep when Christine is awakened by her leg being tugged by an invisible force. She initially thinks it's Nancy toying with her but, of course, it isn't. Christine is scared and won't get out of bed. She looks under her bed, but nothing is there. Then she notices something in the shadows, something we can't make out. She wakes up Nancy who gets and walks into the shadows by the door to prove there's nothing there. As you might guess, she's dead wrong.

The Conjuring opens July 19.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon 2013: The Mortal Instruments Screens New Trailer

Sony Pictures gave attendees at Saturday's WonderCon a look at their upcoming adaptation of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. On hand to greet the fans were the book's author, Cassandra Clare, along with stars Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower and Kevin Zegers. Here's what they showed and had to say about the fantasy film.

What's The Next Hunger Games?

Collins plays Clary Fray, a New York teenager who discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons. After the disappearance of her mother, Clary must join forces with a group of Shadowhunters, who introduce her to a dangerous alternate New York called Downworld, filled with demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and other deadly creatures.

They screened the brand new trailer for the film before taking questions from the audience. Clare said that the film, which she hasn't seen in its entirety, is as close to the spirit of the book as possible without being 10 hours long. She recalled the great access she was given, from hours of conversations with the casting director to visits to the set and even being able to make a cameo in the movie.

Collins said they needed to make Clary accessible to the audience, someone who could be your friend amidst all these crazy situations. Bower said his character will be both vulnerable and snarky. All of the panelists said (surprise!) how much they enjoyed working on the film and with each other.

The Mortal Instruments opens August 23.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon 2013: Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim

Director Guillermo del Toro and Legendary Pictures presented fans with an exclusive look at their giant robots vs. giant monsters epic Pacific Rim at Saturday's WonderCon in Anaheim, California.

What exactly is Pacific Rim about? Here's the official synopsis to shed some light: "When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a washed up former pilot and an untested trainee who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse."

Del Toro screened a trailer that was cut just for WonderCon and the forthcoming CinemaCon. It was heavy on Jaeger vs. Kaiju battles, which were insane. At one point a Jaeger has a showdown in the streets where it beats the crap out of a kaiju with an oil tanker, which it wields like a baseball bat! The movie just looks amazing; the top-notch visual effects are both photo-realistic and capture the weight and movement of what such giant entities might really be like. Charlie Day's hipster geek scientist refers to the Jaegers at one point as "two thousand, five hundred pounds of awesome."

Del Toro was clearly proud that his film used as many practical sets as it did, and spoke at length about them. The set for the interior of the Jaeger's head alone was four stories high! The actors playing the Jaeger pilots were strapped into machinery the size of a VW Bug that they had to "operate" day in and day out. All the male actors griped about the physically exhausting nature of it; only actress Rinko Kikuchi, said del Toro, didn't complain. This prompted the director to quip that if childbirth were left to men we'd be an extinct species.

Del Toro especially praised his pal and frequent collaborator Ron Perlman's performance in the film as Hannibal Chou, the lowest of the low of black market dealers. Hannibal traffics in kaiju organs as remedies for everything from disease to erectile dysfunction, proving that there's no bad situation that someone won't try to profit from. Del Toro said Perlman steals the show in a scenery-chewing performance.

Overall, Pacific Rim really is as epic and jaw-droppingly, nerdgasm-inducing awesome as its trailer suggests. We're definitely looking forward to seeing these massive Jaeger vs. Kaiju brawls on the big screen when Pacific Rim opens in 2D, 3D and in IMAX on July 12.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

WonderCon: IDW Publishing Panel Recap

IDW launched their mega panel with the introductions of Dirk Wood, Chris Ryall, Greg Goldstein, John Barber, Mike Johnson, Scott Dunbier, and Mark Waid.

The panel kicked off in a huge way, as IDW announced an upcoming crossover between Rocketeer and The Spirit, written by Mark Waid and drawn by Paul Smith, set for July 2013. It will run four issues and be subtitled “Pulp Friction.”

Waid said Commissioner Dolan, Denny, and Ellen will be making a trip out to California to investigate a crime, where they will meet Cliff, Betty, and the rest of the Rocketeer gang. Waid said it’ll be fun to watch what happens when Cliff meets Ellen, Dolan meets Betty, etc. He also noted that at this point in the Spirit’s career, it’s still very early, which actually makes Cliff the more experienced crime fighter.

Goldstein added that this is indeed a crossover with DC Comics, which they’ve done before, and that DC still has the Spirit character despite not having used him in a while. Waid teased additional things in the works at IDW, saying, “We shook hands on something that I’ve been wanting to tackle for six or seven years.”

They also talked a bit about the Superman: Silver Age Dailies collection, which Goldstein revealed predominately come from Waid’s personal collection of Superman strips. “I’m the only person in the world with the entire collection of them from start to finish. It’s a dream come true on a lot of levels. What people are going to find out as they read these stories is that there are tons and tons and tons of Superman stories that you’ve never seen before,” said Waid. He said that many of the later strips repurposed stories from the comics, but that early on they were all originals that have been largely forgotten.

The Silver Age collection should be available at San Diego Comic-Con, with the Bronze Age and Atomic Age collections to follow. Wood mentioned that Batman and Wonder Woman collections would be next. “It’s amazing to me not only that we’re doing these books but that Marvel, DC, and Archie have been so cooperative working with us to publish their characters,” added Ryall about doing collections like these.

Ryall moved the conversation to X-Files and IDW’s first meeting with creator Chris Carter. “We spent a day plotting and planning and tweaking ideas; it’s just become this thing where this is what he would’ve done with the TV show had he continued the series.” Ryall said they would be moving the series back toward what it was when the X-Files fan base was the most rabid. He also reiterated that Season 10 is full of stories “that extend the stories forward, and are canon.”

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents was next up, where the panel confirmed that Phil Hester would be writing and announced that Andrea Di Vito would be the artist for the series and that issue #1 would feature a cover by Jerry Ordway. Ryall said that IDW doesn’t typically do superhero comics, but they are bucking that trend with this series. “This is very much a pure superhero comic. It’s set in the 60s and it just feels like a classic superhero book, probably even more so than the last revival of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents.”

Ryall described how the heroes are government employees, not just heroes to be heroes. “It’s not with great power comes great responsibility, it’s with great power comes paychecks.” They also showed off a cover by Dave Sim, and teased that IDW would be working with him on a new project that he’ll be writing and drawing.

Wood led the conversation into IDW’s focus on all-ages comics, starting with Kiss Kids. “It’s aimed at an all-ages audience, but if you’re a Kiss fan, there will be plenty of nods and in-jokes for you,” said Ryall. He said that this is the kind of book that retailers should be marketing to the Tiny Titans and My Little Pony audience.

The partnership with Cartoon Network was next, where they announced that the new Powerpuff Girls series will launch in September alongside the new animated movie. Samurai Jack will follow in October, and Ben 10 after that. Ryall also said that they’ve reached out to Genndy Tartakovsky about his properties and that cool things would be coming in that regard. The last all-ages project they mentioned was the upcoming comic based on the latest TMNT animated show.

Mike Johnson announced that the Star Trek comic would be doing a sequel story to Star Trek Into Darkness, called After Darkness. “We hope it will be a big epic story from the prequel mini-series that we’re doing, to the movie, and then into After Darkness. And then after that we’re going to continue on into new adventures overseen by Bob Orci.”

Ryall said that they’ve worked tightly with the Star Trek movie gang so that many things they’ve seeded in the comics will be referenced in the new movie. Most of the conversation had to be danced around, due to the intense secrecy surrounding Star Trek Into Darkness, but that After Darkness would be canon just like the rest of that series has been. After Darkness will begin in issue #21 of the ongoing series.

The panel made a few more rapid fire announcements, starting with Dinosaurs Attack! It was a semi-sequel to Mars Attacks trading cards that Topps put out back in the day, and this series would be completing the old Eclipse Comics that ended prematurely when Eclipse went under. They’ll also reprint the old Eclipse material.

A new Mech Warrior series was another announcement, written by Transformers scribe John Barber. “If you like the political action and the personal stories, plus giant robots fighting, you’ll like this.” Mech Warrior is set to release in October.

Black Dynamite will also be coming back to IDW in September 2013. “The comic is an iteration of the character, but this isn’t an adaptation of the cartoon. These are new stories, building on the intentionally un-cohesive universe.”

And finally, Jim Mahfood will be releasing a coffee-table sized art book of his work in August 2013.

Joey is a Senior Editor at IGN and a comic book creator. Follow Joey on Twitter @JoeyEsposito, or find him on IGN at Joey-IGN. If he could, he'd run away to live amongst wild cats for the rest of his days.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

David Tennant And Billie Piper To Return For Doctor Who Special

David Tennant and Billie Piper are set to reprise their roles as the tenth Doctor and companion Rose Tyler for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary special reports respected Who blog Blogtor Who. The announcement is said to be coming in the next issue of the official Doctor Who Magazine due out next week.

Veteran actor John Hurt is also said to be starring in the 50th special which is due to be broadcast in 3D on the show's anniversary on November 23rd. The BBC has yet to officially confirm the involvement of Tennant, Piper, and Hurt, but stay tuned to IGN for more details as they emerge.

Tom is IGN's UK Social Media Editor and resident Whovian. You can stay abreast of his current pet peeves by following him on IGN and Twitter.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 3, 2013

Who Will Be Batman's New Robin?

Spoilers for Batman Incorporated.

By now you've probably heard that Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne and heir to the mantle of Robin since 2009, was killed in the climax of Batman Incorporated #8. It was the final blow in a very bad month for Batman, as the conclusion to the Death of the Family storyline in Scott Snyder's Batman created a major rift between him and the rest of his allies. If it wasn't for the ever-growing menagerie of Bat-pets in the Batcave, Batman would be totally alone by now.

Grant Morrison on Why Damian Had to Die

If we've learned anything from stories like A Lonely Place of Dying, it's that Batman doesn't do so well without a sidekick to keep him grounded. He's going to need a new Robin. But can anyone fill the shoes of the late, great Damian Wayne? We've picked out a handful of DC heroes who may fit the job description. Surprisingly enough, most of them are female. Read through our list of candidates and vote in our poll for the character you want to see become the new Robin.

Harper Row

Who She Is: If any one character seems positioned to take over as Batman's new sidekick, it's Harper Row. Harper has played a small but recurring role in Scott Snyder's Batman over the past 18 months. She has a talent for fixing things and tends to spend her time in Gotham's sewers tinkering with the electrical grid. That left her conveniently placed to assist Batman when he escaped the Court of Owls' labyrinth. Since then, she's continued trying to assist the Caped Crusader in any way possible, despite his repeated orders for her to leave him alone.

If Harper were to become Robin, she would bring back an element of Jason Todd's working class sidekick. Harper lives in the Narrows. Her mother is dead, her father is imprisoned, and she and her brother face constant bullying from neighborhood kids. While her rough childhood has given her a hefty chip on her shoulder, it's also instilled in her a desire for justice. As Ra's al Ghul would say " I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved ones is just poison in your veins." If a thirst for vengeance is a prerequisite for the Batman family, she's good to go.

But while Harper has the drive, intelligence, and enthusiasm, she doesn't exactly have the physical training to keep up with Batman and go toe to toe with his more dangerous enemies. But that never stopped the like-minded Carrie Kelly from donning the tights in The Dark Knight Returns, and that seemed to work out pretty well for her.

The Odds: 10:1 - Even before Damian's death, it was clear Snyder had plans for Harper Row. After reading Batman #18, it seems all but certain that she'll be the next teen hero to don the mantle of Robin.

Tim Drake

Who He Is: Tim Drake served as Robin in the comics longer than anyone but Dick Grayson. For any readers who grew up during the '90s, Tim is still the Robin. But that was before the New 52. While Tim still served as Batman's sidekick for a year in this new continuity, it's been revealed that he never actually took the Robin name. Instead, he's been calling himself Red Robin from the start. And these days he's set out on his own to serve in the Teen Titans.

Teen Titans #0 revealed a new take on Tim's origin. Among other things, it showed that his parents were forced into witness protection to protect them from the Penguin and that "Tim Drake" is a false name he was forced to adopt. We can't help but feel that DC has bigger plans for the Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne relationship in the near future. Bringing Tim back into the fold as Robin might be the easiest way to push that conflict forward. It would also restore a more traditional version of the Dynamic Duo, where Batman is partnered with an older, more experienced teenage Robin rather than a 10-year-old boy. And with Barbara Gordon back in action as Batgirl, having Tim back in the Batcave would provide Batman with a resident tech genius again.

The Odds: 2:5 - Tim becoming Robin (for real this time) isn't out of the question if DC wants to restore a more traditional Dynamic Duo. But we don't see it as the most likely outcome.


Who She Is: Ellie (surname unknown) is a minor character who has played a recurring role in Grant Morrison's Batman run. She once worked as an underage prostitute in the seedier portions of Gotham. When Batman was nearly killed in his first clash with the Second Ghost of Batman, Ellie and her partners were on hand to drive him to one of his hidden safehouses. Ellie has appeared several more times since then, with Batman keeping a watchful eye over her and giving her a job with Wayne Enterprises.

Ellie's most significant appearance so far was in Batman Incorporated #8. She was working in Wayne Tower when Damian had his fateful battle with the Heretic. Morrison made a point of inserting her into several key scenes, showing her being protected by Red Robin and even pointedly inserting her in the background of the final page. That's not to mention the fact that one of Ellie's coworkers referred to her by the nickname "Ellie-bird."

All of this seems to point to the idea that Morrison is positioning Ellie as a candidate to replace Damian. And if it were solely up to him, perhaps she would. But no other writers have made use of the character so far. And aside from the general streets smarts that come from working as a prostitute in the meanest city in the DCU, Ellie doesn't seem to have any particular talents that would make her an ideal Robin.

The Odds: 1:5 - Morrison may have more planned for Ellie before the end of his run, but we don't foresee anything happening beyond that.

Stephanie Brown

Who She Is: If you've attended any of DC's New 52-themed convention panels, you must know who Stephanie Brown is by now. Stephanie enjoyed a robust superhero career in the years leading up to the New 52. She first appeared on the Gotham scene as Spoiler. She briefly replaced Tim Drake as Robin, reverted to her Spoiler role, and was seemingly murdered by Black Mask. But she resurfaced again as the new Batgirl. Bryan Q. Miller's Batgirl series explored her latest transformation and her growing bond with Barbara Gordon. Her final appearance was in Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes, where she infiltrated a girl's boarding school at the behest of Batman.

Stephanie earned a modest but very rabid fanbase in that time. Those fans have been understandably upset that Stephanie has yet to put in an appearance in the New 52. At the very least, we know she was never Robin in this new continuity, but there's no evidence to suggest she exists at all anymore. To add insult to injury, Miller attempted to insert Stephanie as Nightwing in Smallville: Season 11, but was obligated to change her to Barbara Gordon.

Despite repeated fan questions, Dan DiDio and other DC representatives have been fairly mum on whether fans can expect Stephanie to make her New 52 debut anytime soon. Some have chosen to read between the lines and believe that DC is merely saving the character for a major story in the future. If that's true, then restoring her position as Robin would certainly qualify. But the lack of build-up to her return coupled with the obvious clues involving Harper Row leads us to believe that this is nothing more than wishful thinking.

The Odds: 1:10 - We don't see any waffles in Stephanie's immediate future.

Cassandra Cain

Who She Is: As the daughter of two of the world's greatest warriors (David Cain and Lady Shiva), Cassandra Cain was pretty much destined to become either a superhero or villain. Luckily, she chose the side of good and became the first heroine to don the mantle of Batgirl after Barbara Gordon was shot and paralyzed. But though one of the most skilled fighters in the world, Cass struggled for years because of a childhood deprived of human contact and traditional education. Though nearly mute in her initial appearances, she eventually came out of her shell. In her most recent appearances, Cass traded the Batgirl mantle for the new identity Black Bat and became the designated Batman Inc. representative for Hong Kong.

Stephanie Brown isn't the only former Batgirl to get the short shrift in the New 52. Cass has yet to appear in any of the Batman books. Nor is it clear whether she was ever Batgirl or exists at all. Given that Lady Shiva is now portrayed as being the same age as Dick Grayson, it's pretty much impossible for her to have a teenage daughter. Then again, Cyclops has a son who's roughly twice his age, so...

As with Stephanie, now might be the ideal time to bring her back into the fold in a major way by making her the new Robin. Cass certainly has the skills, as she's the only candidate on this list who could probably best Batman in a one-on-one duel. But like Stephanie, there's been no build-up to a possible return and no reason to believe anything will change in the foreseeable future. The other problem is that Cass lacks the intimate connection to Batman some of the other candidates have. She'd be a logical choice to become Robin, but not necessarily the most interesting one.

The Odds: 1:20We're not betting on Cass breaking her retirement just yet.

Beryl Hutchinson

Who She Is: America has Batman and Robin, and England has the Knight and Squire. These two heroes were inspired by their allies across the pond to suit up and defend their homeland from a cast of colorful rogues. The duo have appeared multiple times throughout Grant Morrison's run, culminating in Knight's death at the hands of the Heretic in Batman Incorporated #7.

Beryl is now a Squire without a Knight just as Bruce is a Batman without a Robin. Why not kill two birds with one stone? We could see that leading to a fun dynamic that recalls the more innocent days of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. That scenario seemed possible up until Batman Incorporated #9 hit the stands a few days ago. There, readers saw an emotionally devastated Beryl don the mantle of Knight and take on aboriginal hero Dark Ranger as her new partner. In the end, she followed in the footsteps of her late partner, Cyril, who also transitioned from Squire to Knight after the death of his father, Percy.

Making Beryl be the new Robin would also create a more practical problem for DC's writers. She has a heavy English accent that we imagine many American writers would struggle with. There's a reason why so few Americans have written Hellblazer over the years, and it's the same reason why Beryl's various appearances have tended to be written by UK scribes like Morrison and Paul Cornell.

The Odds: 1:50At this point we don't see Beryl making a permanent move to Gotham City.


Who she is: Tatsu Yamashiro is a samurai warrior with a unique twist -- she believes her sword houses the soul of her murdered husband. While she has frequently been an ally of Batman, her true goal as a costumed hero is to uncover the identities of his killers and claim her vengeance. Prior to the New 52, she was a regular member of the Batman-sponsored team The Outsiders. Sine the relaunch, she's taken Batgirl's regular spot in the Birds of Prey and recently joined Amanda Waller's Justice League of America.

With such a busy schedule, does Tatsu actually have time to serve as Batman's sidekick? Moreover, would she actually want the job? The answer to both questions is probably no. The only reason Katana might be a possibility is because of the upcoming animated series Beware the Batman. That producers of that series are making a concerted effort to use characters who haven't appeared in previous Batman cartoons. As a result, Katana, not Robin, will be Batman's sidekick.

The likelihood that DC will re-position Katana as a Batman sidekick simply because of this animated series is pretty slim. Unlike Marvel, DC has never shown much desire to create synergy between its comics and other multimedia projects. They had no problem letting Grant Morrison "kill" Bruce Wayne the same year that The Dark Knight hit theaters. Shifting Tatsu from Katana to Robin would only serve to derail her new role in Geoff Johns' JLA.

The Odds: 1:100We'd be as surprised as anyone if this actually happened.

Damian Wayne

Who He Is: Yes, you read that correctly. The replacement for Damian Wayne could end up being Damian Wayne. Consider the fact that Damian's grandfather is Ra's al Ghul, a man who has managed to stay alive for centuries through judicious of the Lazarus Pits. The al Ghul family already resurrected one dead Robin using the Pits. What's to stop them from doing it again? There's also the fact that Damian is a test tube baby who could easily be cloned by his mother. The Heretic is an adult clone of Damian. Might there be other Damians growing in a vat in some remote Leviathan base?

We also have to wonder if the Damian we've been following for the past two years is the same one that first appeared in Morrison's comics. Consider that Damian disappeared from the pages of Batman and Robin for several issues because of a spinal injury. Talia returned him to Wayne Manor after supposedly growing him a new spine. But what if she delivered a cloned Damian, knowing full well that her master plan would eventually force her to kill him? The real Damian might still be out there, perhaps unaware that his father returned and has been waging an international war against his mother.

Morrison has been pretty clear about the fact that he intends for Damian to stay dead. And he will be addressing the Lazarus Pit issue soon. But he could still be misdirecting readers. And even if he doesn't bring Damian back in some form by the end of his Batman Incorporated run, the door is wide open for another writer to put the young Robin back into play. Despite the massive media hype DC placed on the death of Damian Wayne, we wouldn't be at all surprised to see him return to life. Would it be any different than when Marvel hyped the deaths of Captain America and the Human Torch?

The Odds: 1:2Don't be surprised to see Damian back in action once the mourning period is over.

Jesse is a writer for various IGN channels. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

Game of Thrones Season Premiere, The Walking Dead Season Finale, Doctor Who Midseason Premiere: Which Are You Most Excited For?

In what may be the most epic weekend in the history of geek-centric TV, Doctor Who's midseason premiere, Game of Thrones' season premiere and The Walking Dead's season finale all air within two days of one another.

All of these are big events for the rabid fanbases of each show, but we want to know - which are you most excited to see? Rick Grimes' showdown with The Governor, The Doctor's dynamic with his new Companion, or the return to Westeros?

Let us know which has you the most amped up!

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

China to Get Its Own Version of Iron Man 3

The Chinese release date for Iron Man 3 hasn't been set yet, but Marvel Studios and DMG have announced that they will release a special China-only version of the superhero movie there.

In a joint statement, Marvel and DMG said: "While Marvel and DMG have decided not to apply for co-production status in China, the film includes significant Chinese elements. Renowned Chinese actor Wang Xueqi will appear in both the studio’s Chinese version of the film and in its international and domestic US version. Both versions of the film include Iron Man 3 footage filmed in Beijing in December."

Furthermore, the companies say "the Chinese version of the film will also feature a special appearance of China’s top actress, Fan Bingbing, and will offer specially prepared bonus footage made exclusively for the Chinese audience. Marvel Studios’ experience working on this film with Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi and in shooting in China has been very positive and has created a springboard for future collaboration with China’s talented stars and its growing film and television industry. The Iron Man cast and filmmakers look forward to bringing Iron Man back to China."

Iron Man 3 opens elsewhere May 3.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

Want FTL LEGO? Then Vote for Them

The team behind FTL: Faster Than Light has a booth at this year's Game Developer's Conference. Alongside showing their game, the studio is trying to garner support for their LEGO Cuusoo campaign, where the goal is to get a series of FTL LEGO produced.

The Kestrel in all its potential LEGO glory.

The team needs 10,000 votes to be considered. At the time of this post, they are currently just under 5,000.

Wouldn't you like to own your own Engi ship or crew of misbegotten alien species? We at IGN sure would, which is why we're putting the word out about this cool project.

Anthony Gallegos plays a lot of FTL in his journey to cover PC games for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter, where he sometimes sends out links to his FTL livestreams.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

The Last of Us TV Spot To Air During Walking Dead Season Finale

Naughty Dog has announced that the first TV commercial for The Last of Us will air during The Walking Dead’s season finale. In a post on the PlayStation blog, Naughty Dog’s Neil Druckmann announced the news and also said the game is approaching completion.

“We are now just three months away from the launch of The Last of Us — Naughty Dog’s newest franchise,” Druckmann wrote. “The team is working extremely hard on putting the finishing touches on the game. It’s exciting to see all the different aspects of the game finally come together into the vision we’ve had in mind all along. Joel and Ellie’s journey is turning out to be something truly special that we can’t wait to share with our fans.”

The Walking Dead’s season finale will air Sunday, March 31st at 9:00 p.m. on AMC.

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following @garfep on Twitter or garfep on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

2 Guns Trailer, Poster and Photos

Check out the new trailer, poster and photos for 2 Guns, the upcoming action flick starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg and based on the Boom! graphic novel of the same name:

2 Guns opens August 2.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

Halo 4’s Free Forge Island Map Available Now

Halo 4’s Forge Island map is now available for download. According to a post on Halo Waypoint, the map passed the certification process early and has been pushed to Xbox Live ahead of its planned April 11th release.

According to the post, Forge Island is “a massive new playspace featuring islands known as the ‘Great Anvils’” and “delivers three flat, modifiable areas that will give Forge creators both the acreage and new building assets to craft an infinite range of multiplayer maps for the Halo community to explore and enjoy. The geologic data acquired from these islands has offered incredible fodder for Infinity Science’s Forge group, providing diverse and modifiable terrain for the War Games combat simulations.”

Forge Island was first revealed at PAX East last week, and you can check it out in action below:

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following @garfep on Twitter or garfep on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com