Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 3, 2013

New Poster for The Wolverine

We've already been treated to a new-fangled 'motion poster' and a Japanese calligraphic effort but for the traditionalist out there, take a look at two new posters for The Wolverine. They don't move, but do feature a rather angry Hugh Jackman:

Forgotten his umbrella... absolutely livid.

Not too much to speculate about (apart from the number of hours Jackman has put in at the gym), but you can spy the neon cityscape of Japan in the background, where most of the film is set.

James Mangold also tweeted a domestic variant of the above poster. It has approximately 100% more ninjas:

If that's whet your appetite, take a look at the motion poster released at the end of last year:

The Wolverine is out globally on July 24, 2013, but will come to the US on July 26, 2013.

Daniel is IGN's UK Staff Writer. You can be part of the world's most embarrassing cult by following him on IGN and Twitter.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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