Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 3, 2013

WonderCon: Axe Cop Animated Series to Guest Star Breaking Bad, Mad Men Stars

On July 27th, FOX is launching their new Saturday night Animation Domination High Definition block from 11pm-12:30am, and at WonderCon today a panel was held for ADHD. The majority of the time was spent discussing the first original series for ADHD, Axe Cop, based on the comic book of the same name.

For those who don’t know, Axe Cop was created by Ethan Nicolle, based directly on stories told to him by his then 5 year old brother, Malachai – and is a wonderfully funny creation thanks to its random, stream of consciousness style that comes straight from the mind of a child.

A trailer was shown that indicated the series will indeed match the comic. Malachai could be heard narrating, and at one point we saw an animated Hitler declare, “You’re going to build me an evil island of zombies on Zombie island… in space!” (as we see just that occurring, with each element revealed as Hitler says it, ending with a floating island in space). Another highlight was a woman asking Axe Cop (voiced by Nick Offerman) for help her and him answering, “Only if you tell me how you’d feel I’d look with a mohawk and a handlebar mustache.” And then there’s the Queen of London being menaced by Dr. Doodoo, with Doodoo later declaring, “Today I will make the great Axe Cop poop himself… to death!”

Along with Offerman, Axe Cop stars Ken Marino, Patton Oswalt, and Megan Mullally – the latter as all the female characters. Axe Cop is very popular with a lot of actors and the panelists noted they’d had a lot of actors coming to them asking do guest voices on the show. Amusingly, it seems several will come from acclaimed AMC series, as we learned Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Revolution) plays Army Chihuahua, Breaking Bad's Jonathan Banks plays Book Cop and Jared Harris (Mad Men) voices the evil King of England. In addition, Peter Serafinowicz (NTSF:SD:SUV and the voice of Darth Maul in Phantom Menace) will voice several other “characters with accents."

There are many other guest voices it seems, but the panelists couldn’t reveal their names yet.

Co-showrunner Matt Silverstein noted that, “Malachai is very much involved in the writing of the show,” adding they call him constantly to tell them how a story should go, and saying that what's funny is, “He’s not making it up; it’s in his head [already].” Added fellow showrunner Dave Jeser, “He thinks we’re kind of idiots for even asking.”

Weidenfeld added they were modeling the series after Malachai taking Axe Cop very seriously, since, the idea is Axe Cop is “a real badass. The things he’s saying are absolutely serious. “ He said he was influenced by Rob Corddry, who he worked with on Childrens Hospital who noted, “The characters in the show don’t know they’re in a comedy.”

While there are changes from the comics, Ethan Nicolle said they do turn to his brother, asking things like, “’If we change it to this, how does that fight go down?’ It’s different from the comic, but it’s still Malachai involved.”

Silverstein recalled one of the most memorable moments writing the show, when they called Malachai to ask, “What does Bad Santa want?” Silverstein said the nearly instant answer was, “To kill God and become Jesus!”

He added, “We’ve been in a lot of comedy rooms and no one would have ever come up with that.”

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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