Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 4, 2013

Clone Wars' Dave Filoni Developing New Star Wars Animated Series

It's been a tough couple of weeks for fans of recent or would-be current Star Wars content, as word has spread about the end of many projects. First came the announcement that Star Wars: The Clone Wars was ending. That announcement also included the shelving of Star Wars: Detours, as Lucasfilm appeared to be stopping work on most projects that were being produced before Disney bought them, as the company gears up for Episode VII and many other new Star Wars films.

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Then came yesterday's news that LucasArts was shifting to licensed games and that Star Wars: 1313 would likely not be completed, which furthered the feeling that a lot of doors were being shut, even while new ones were opening.

In the midst of this, Lucasfilm has teased that a new Star Wars animated series is in the works, but we also heard about layoffs at Lucasfilm Animation, in the wake of The Clone Wars and Detours ceasing production, while major layoffs occurred yesterday at LucasArts. So would any of the current creators of Star Wars content be involved going forward?

A scene from one of the upcoming Clone Wars storylines:

On the animation side at least, the answer is yes, thankfully. In his first interview since the Clone Wars announcement was made, that show's supervising director, Dave Filoni, spoke to our friends at for an interview going live on Friday, and reveals that he is staying at Lucasfilm Animation and will be involved with the next Star Wars animated series.

During the interview, Filoni is asked if he’ll continue with Star Wars animation, and replies, “Well, that’s my plan!”

Filoni notes that Star Wars is “obviously important to me and I’ve had a very great time working here. I’ve really helped build the animation division from when I got here and there were only a handful of people.”

Regarding recent events, he remarks, “It’s a function of our industry… It’s not my favorite part. You can luckily grow things and bring on many talented people, but there become times when you have to shrink things as well. We happen to be in one of those times right now, but that just paves the way, hopefully, for new things and new creativity in the future.”

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Filoni goes on to explain, “At this point, I am involved in some early production discussions and exploration of what we’ll be doing with Star Wars animation in the future, which is really exciting for me and I have some friendly faces around me, of course, that are helping me on the project. So it’s a transition time, as I’ve said before, and I think it will lead to an exciting time and hopefully I’ll see things grow again.”

Filoni couldn't say much more about it, including what the show will focus on or when we'd see it. But if you're a fan of The Clone Wars, as I am, this is great news. Filoni came to Lucasfilm a huge Star Wars fan and his love for the series is obvious watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which has delivered some terrific Star Wars stories through the years. It's great to learn he will still be able to play in that world moving forward.

And yeah, I'll say it... It also has me hoping that, if this series takes place after The Clone Wars in the timeline, Filoni could use it to at least touch upon plotlines and characters he established in that series.

Make sure to check out the entire interview with Dave Filoni over at when it posts on Friday.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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