Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 4, 2013

Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier #3 Review

Jedi Masters K’Kruhk and Zao continue to shepherd their young charges around a refugee-laden planet while nefarious forces seek to extinguish their force-sensitive flames for good. As interesting as it is to see who holds the key to their fates, it’s the underlying themes that provide the truly shocking aspect of this book.

Star Wars is pretty much the ultimate escapism in my book. Flying through the galaxy, burning down ne’er-do-wells that get in your way, and harnessing quasi-magical energies? Sign me up. That’s why it’s such a surprise to see serious concepts like the paradox of vengeance playing such a big role in a Star Wars comic. Far from it being unwelcome, I felt that it gave this story a whole new dimension that speaks to real world issues like Israel vs. Palestine, Catholics vs. Protestants, and fundamentalist insurrectionists vs. “liberal” establishment.

I might quibble that such an overt departure from the abstract ideology that usually characterizes Star Wars tales could upset the balance of the story, but Randy Stradley’s Fire Carrier arc is already sufficiently straightforward in delivery that the extra food for thought adds an appealing spice rather than spoiling the palate.

Gabriel Guzman’s contributions to the story are workmanlike, with his translation of Stradley’s script explaining most of the action and emotions in this book effectively. Guzman’s storytelling is strongest when he brings the camera in for a close-up to end a tense scene or when dilating moments of high emotion such as opening of the payload doors or the hovercraft careening out of control. However, the storytelling takes a significant hit about halfway through the issue when K’Kruhk makes his mounted charge. It’s not really Guzman’s fault, but the narration boxes explaining so much useful information make a single image of a mounted Jedi seem woefully inadequate.

This book succeeds because it offers more than a solid trip to a galaxy far, far away. The story itself is solid without being exceptional, which is, in all likelihood, good enough for the series’ core readership. For those whose attention is starting to stray in response to Fire Carrier’s simple plot, Stradley includes commentary to keep their brains engaged. I don’t think this issue will bring in many new readers, but it should at least help to retain what readers have stuck with the title to this point.

Poet Mase has had a blast as a member of the IGN Comics Review Crew for the last two years. Keep in touch with Poet on Twitter @PoetMase, or post a message on his IGN profile PoetMase.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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